How it's works

LetUsHelpNow advocates for a direct assistance community action model. We provide information about care homes that donors can directly engage with to donate or provide other support. Further, LetUsHelpNow undertakes targeted direct assistance through monthly projects to fulfill major urgent needs in care homes. Each project has the following life cycle: Needs Assessment, Project Planning, Fundraising, Project Delivery, and Finance and Transparency.
LetUsHelpNow advocates for a direct assistance community action model. We provide information about care homes that donors can directly engage with to donate or provide other support. Further, LetUsHelpNow undertakes targeted direct assistance through monthly projects to fulfill major urgent needs in care homes. Each project has the following life cycle: Needs Assessment, Project Planning, Fundraising, Project Delivery, and Finance and Transparency.
  • Needs Assessment
    The first step of LetUsHelpNow’s monthly project’s life cycle is Need Assessment. Care homes directly or through other organizations reach out to us about their urgent needs. Further, we have information about their needs through our data collection. LetUsHelpNow assesses the needs and the reasons for the requests. We determine the funding required as well as how the project can be delivered. The assessment includes direct communication with homes, input from local regulatory agencies, and input from our advisors and donors. Factors such as the number of beneficiaries, the urgency of the request, fit with our focus and capacities, are considered for deciding upon a project.
  • Fundraising
    Fundraising The project description and details of the homes are shared with our small group of monthly donors. The small donations are collected by country co-ordinators.
  • Project Delivery
    LetUsHelpNow requests minimum two quotations from the care homes. Further, it seeks out other input regarding selecting the supplier. The funds are directly sent to the homes bank accounts. Homes make the purchases and provide receipts, thank you letters and pictures. In some cases, LetUsHelpNow volunteers assist with the purchase and delivery of the materials. Further, volunteers go to the homes to verify the delivery of the material
  • Finance and Transparency
    For each project, the homes provide request letters, quotations , the receipt for the donation, the receipts for the materials, the pictures of the materials and a thank you letter listing the materials. Further, donation and transaction details are documented. These are collected and published online at our website as well as other communication channels such as WhatsApp and Facebook.