Small Business Development Assistance for Karuvi (Centre for Social Resource of Differently Abled)

Project Date
Type of Assistance
Supporting Sustainability - Small Business Startup


This month's project is in memory of our dear friend Barathan Ramachandran 

Karuvi - Centre for Social Resource of Differently Abled has been providing basic needs, education, medical and employment support and services to differently abled people since 2013. Currently, it serves 658 members and 3000 related family members.  

Karuvi has successfully developed small business initiatives that provide income to its members. Karuvi has established production, marketing and sales operations for soap, brooms, besoms and door-mats. Their products have been well received by the local public, and they have a strong customer base.

Building on their small business expertise, Karuvi wants to produce and sell incense sticks to further assist their members.  Karuvi chose to produce incense sticks for the following reasons: (1) Karuvi already has the know-how and technology to produce incense sticks. (2) There is a significant market for incense sticks, currently being served by international companies. Karuvi plans to use their existing marketing and sales network to reach this market. (3) Through this project, Karuvi aims to benefit at least 10 members and their family members in the production and 10 members in the sales of the incense sticks.

They are proposing this project as a one year project (Nov 2023 - Nov 2024). The first six months will be run with the support of LetUsHelpNow Foundation. In the next six months, Karuvi aims to reach a position to develop this business as an independent business;  equally benefitting the immediate members involved and the wider organization.


  • Equipment - LKR 650,000.00
  • Input materials - LKR 250,000.00
  • Labour costs - LKR 300,000.00 (for the first 6 months)
  • Karuvi has the place and other expertise required to set up this business.
LKR 1,250,000.00
Project Status
In Progress